Why Use a Certified Divorce Coach?
Moving Through Divorce with a Certified Divorce Coach
A divorce life coach is essentially your divorce “doula.” It is someone who offers life coaching and divorce advice while you go through one of the most stressful life events you can experience.
What is Divorce Coaching?
Divorce coaching is offered by a divorce coach. Having gone through specialist training, a certified divorce coach can shepherd clients through both the legal and emotional aspects of their separation and eventual divorce. They are equipped with knowledge about divorce, child development, parenting plans, co-parenting, and how divorce can impact children. They are trained to handle all divorce-related issues.
So, what is a divorce coach? It is as necessary to your healing as a great divorce lawyer. Certified Divorce Coaches have your best interests at heart.
For people with divorce coaching questions, we have answers.
Life Coach, Divorce Coach?
If you want guidance through a career change or even navigating a relationship, then a life coach is a great option. But if you are going through a divorce, you need a CDC Divorce Coach. This is someone who can help you navigate the heightened emotions that come with divorce so that you can make good decisions for your future and for your children as well.
There are a lot of different people involved in the divorce process. When you meet a mediator, they are tasked with helping both parties come to a divorce settlement. They are a neutral party. A divorce coach is on your side and fighting for you.
In some cases, a therapist may be enlisted to work with one or both parties. A divorce coach will help you focus on your future and recognise what is holding you back from achieving what you want. They offer practical advice and help make everyday decisions, big and small. A divorce coach doesn’t provide you with therapy, but they help you see the legal part of the divorce as the business that it is. The legal divorce is about settling needs rather than the emotional wants of justice.
An attorney will provide you with legal advice. They will protect your rights under the law. A divorce coach can work with your attorneys and is often a part of a law firm, but they are not lawyers. Ultimately, a divorce coach will help you set realistic expectations for everyone involved, help you organise ahead of meetings and clarify information and questions, and provide you with support during the negotiation process.
Certified Divorce Coaching
CDC Divorce Coaching might be new to Australia, but it isn’t new to the rest of the world. In the past, many people going through divorces would enlist the services of a life coach to help them through the process. However, a life coach does not have the same knowledge and understanding as a certified divorce coach.
A divorce coach will look for the best way to support you. They want to ensure you experience as little financial impact as possible. Divorce coaches are skilled in helping you remove the emotions from all of the major decisions you need to make as you move forward with a new chapter in your life. An experienced person providing you with clarity is invaluable.
Why Use a Certified Divorce Coach?
Our Certified Divorce Coach has worked in divorce law firms for decades. In addition to having knowledge of family law, she is certified in divorce life coaching, and she’s been through the process of divorce personally.
She isn’t going to overstep your boundaries; she is going to support you in your journey to be the architect of your life. You aren’t making decisions as a couple anymore; you’re standing on your own and a divorce coach will help you build a solid foundation.
So is a certified divorce coach the right choice for you? Ask yourself these questions. Are you scared for your future? Is that making it difficult for you to make rational decisions? If you’re feeling overwhelmed about the process of divorce, or you’re unsure where you’re headed once your divorce is finalised, a divorce coach can help you find clarity. If you’re deeply angry and feel like divorce is a good way to get revenge, a divorce coach is skilled in guiding you to look past strong negative emotions. This enables you to make decisions about your future from a calm and rational place.
A divorce coach can hold your hand through the legal process, and help you make those difficult decisions without being burdened by your emotions. A divorce coach will help you work out a parenting plan that works for both parties and help you figure out how to co-parent.
Divorce is emotional, whether you initiated it or the news took you by complete surprise. It’s one of the most vulnerable positions you can be in, and everything feels unknown. It can be terrifying, and even though you feel angry, you need to make positive decisions to protect and support yourself and any children you may have. A divorce coach is an ally you can trust to guide you through your divorce and into a new life filled with opportunity.